The City of Winnipeg announced its new Safe Cycling program, which includes photo radar for cyclists. The program also includes making helmets mandatory while riding a bicycle, and bringing back the bicycle license plate. Although cyclists do not have to be insured like motorists, they will need to be registered.
In a related story, the above is just a joke. But police have introduced a bike speed camera on a waterfront promenade in the UK to catch cyclists going over 10mph due to a little girl being hit by a cyclist and received a "cut to the head". Since they can't ticket or fine them, they just give them a "stern talking to".
Winnipeg is know for a few things like cold winters, mosquitos, being the slurpee capital, and we just might have a new title...
Winnipeg - Canada's photo radar capital!
Between 2003 and 2008 Winnipeg's photo radar program ticketed approximately 886,000 drivers, generating revenue of more than $177 million.
So how does one deal with the scameras? Well, you can look into photo radar spray, or just study up on where they are (and watch for posted signs)
We're had some interesting announcements for businesses coming to the river city, like the plans to open an Ikea in about a year, Sephora - for the ladies, and rumors of an Apple store.
Then there has been a some buzz about a new stadium, but we'll see on that one.
In Winnipeg, one thing we have in abundance is frickin' photo radar. We probably have 20 times more than cities 5 or 10 times larger than Winnipeg.
Take a look at this Winnipeg photo radar locations map - omg! It's getting to be a joke.
Some great shots of downtown Winnipeg in the the skyscraper pages.
Ever been to Winnipeg Square?
If you work downtown and are near the exchange, you've probably been a couple times.
Recognize the spot in the video?
I'll be taking my shopping to Polo or St. Vital thank you!
Where are all the Winnipeg forums?
Of any kind - please add in comments!
A few are...
Winnipeg pages
Blue Bombers forum
Winnipeg clubzone
Are we just a stopover ?