Every once in a while, we're paid a visit from our neighbors to the South...
The Simpsons - Homer visits America Junior (Canada) and stops in Winnipeg to as he can no longer afford his meds back home and fills his prescription at Dudley Do-Drugs.
The Office - Michael Scott, Andy Bernard and Oscar Nunez make a business trip to Winnipeg, and Michael gets lucky with the hotel concierge.
A Winnipeg man claims he was asleep when he impregnated a woman and is suing her for damages, including mental distress and anxiety, because legally he may now have to pay child support. Riiiiiight. Source
Only a couple months ago, a man had killed and beheaded a fellow passenger on a Greyhound bus this summer. Vincent Li was recently declared fit to stand trial on a charge of second-degree murder. After his stay at the Winnipeg psychiatric ward, Li now understands his legal situation.
With Li's current mental health no longer in question, the focus now turns to whether he should face criminal sanctions for the death of Tim McLean.
In a case that made headlines around the world, the 22-year-old McLean was attacked as he slept on the Greyhound near Portage la Prairie, in July. Stunned passengers fled the bus as an assailant decapitated and defiled McLean's body.
Regardless of his mental condition, it seems obvious he shouldn't roam free...
On some days, this song says it all...
OK, so let's dump some more cash into this, because it's not like we have anything better to use it for. Like attracting businesses so we might have better jobs, which is why just about everyone leaves. That, and the weather. We'll never have enough for a biosphere, but we can make the city more attractive to businesses to open shop here. We could really use a better selection of jobs too...
How about following Ireland's approach and dropping taxes so low that corporations flock to the area. It's done wonders for their economy, and without the need to tax the hell out of everyone.
This Spirited Energy, I'm just not feeling it. Others think it's lame too. A lot of money, and it seems like it's internal branding, when really it needs to be external to get investment. Besides a few billboards and some large banners on a few building, 2 million bucks doesn't buy what it used to.