There's lots of blogs in Winnipeg, so I thought I would do a list of some of the better ones.
Our first official snowfall of 2010 came late this year. Half way through November to be precise. Does this mean we can expect a short winter?
Winnipeg winters are notorious for being cold. We might be the coldest city on the planet.
And yet we're slurpee capital of the world. Something doesn't add up.
The new stadium construction costs seem to be a bit off. Originally suggested at $115 million, it's now said that it will cost more like $160 million. Tax payers are not to happy, especially considering the size of the discrepancy. That's almost a 30% difference!
What's with all the condos?! Driving around in certain areas there's huge lots of land with new condo projects popping up around Winnipeg.

Winnipeg is a buzzing with spring in the air. Half the teens are wearing tshirts, even if its only around zero, they don't waste any time.
The City of Winnipeg announced its new Safe Cycling program, which includes photo radar for cyclists. The program also includes making helmets mandatory while riding a bicycle, and bringing back the bicycle license plate. Although cyclists do not have to be insured like motorists, they will need to be registered.
In a related story, the above is just a joke. But police have introduced a bike speed camera on a waterfront promenade in the UK to catch cyclists going over 10mph due to a little girl being hit by a cyclist and received a "cut to the head". Since they can't ticket or fine them, they just give them a "stern talking to".